Birth doula support, birth photography, and more in Minneapolis and St. Paul

The Best Of 2019: Birth Photography in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and the Surrounding Suburbs

What a year! In 2019, we had the honor of attending hospital births, births at birth centers, and home births. Surgical births, surrogacy deliveries, and a few sets of twins. Water births, standing births, kneeling births. Birth attended by homebirth midwives, obstetricians, family practice doctors, and chiropractors, craniosacral therapists, acupuncturists. Most of our clients allowed us to share images from their birth and a few chose to keep their images private. Additionally, we captured several births for other birth photographers as backups, spent countless hours building the Gather Birth Cooperative website, and even managed to find time to step back from birth work to travel the country and the world. Not only that, but all four co-founders of Gather Birth were able to be in attendance at the same birth! Our co-founder Emily welcomed her second child in October in a joyous waterbirth, and we were thrilled to support and document her experience as a team. The joy, strength, and love that we felt and witnessed at every single birth we attended was heartwarming and immensely fulfilling. These are some of our favorite moments of 2019, and some of the very best moments of our lives. We hope you enjoy viewing these birth photographs as much as we enjoyed capturing them.

If you're looking for a birth photographer in the Twin Cities, contact us to get the ball rolling. We provide birth photography services, doula support, and more in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and the surrounding suburbs. 

*all images shared with permission and gratitude

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If you’re looking for a birth photographer to document your labor and delivery experience at a hospital, birth center, or home in Minneapolis,St. Paul, or the surrounding suburbs in the metro area, let’s talk! We support all births, from VBACs and multiples, to surrogacy, same sex and cesarean, and beyond.