Gather Birth Cooperative | Unrivaled Doula Support and Artful Birth Photography in Minneapolis, Minnesota

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LET'S TALK ABOUT | Creating the Perfect Labor and Birth Music Playlist

We’re often asked about the various comfort measures folks can turn to when their labor intensifies with time. As birth doulas, we can provide ideas for physical comfort measures at your birth: massage, hip squeezes, guidance into different positions, and more. However, physical touch is only a fraction of how our bodies experience relaxation and safety. Think about your other four senses: smell, sight, taste (snacks!), and sound. We discuss comfort measures during our birth planning sessions, offered virtually to families locally in the Minneapolis and St. Paul area and around the United States. One thing that comes up frequently during our birth planning sessions? Putting together a playlist for labor and delivery.

The Gather Birth co-founders share a love for music. Whether it’s playing the ukulele at open mic night (ok, this rockstar status is solely Gina’s), catching a show at First Ave, or playing a few records while we gather for our weekly meetings, it’s clear we have all been greatly influenced through our connections with music. And we often share this love with our clients as they lean on us for advice in creating a playlist for their birth. So, here’s some advice about curating the perfect playlist, as well as some of our faves!

Tips for Making a Birth Playlist

The Gather Team has heard our fair share of birth playlists, each one different than the last. We’ve picked up several tips to make your birth soundtrack as helpful as possible.

First, make sure there are plenty of songs on your playlist. Having a playlist that is only an hour long is like an alarm clock. Each time your playlist starts over, you’re reminded of how long you’ve been listening and laboring. This might not be noticeable right away, but it certainly will be after the fourth or fifth time through a playlist.

Second, make a few playlists! You never know what kind of vibe or motivation you’ll need at different stages in labor. It’s nice to have several options prepared so there isn’t a lull in the music when you need it most. We recommend having playlists that both pump you up and chill you out. Want an even bigger hit of oxytocin? Research shows hearing songs that remind you of special times, like your wedding or childhood, releases more oxytocin, which is critical to the progression of your labor, as well as your comfort.

Birth Playlists for Early Labor

There is a time and place in birth for different styles and tempos of music. When you need more distraction, a song you can sing along to in between contractions is perfect. Not feeling very motivated to keep moving your body? A playlist with a good beat you can wiggle to, like we see in all those viral videos on social media, is perfect.

One strategy for putting together a birth playlist can be a collection of your favorite tunes, whatever genre, artist, or songs you like to listen to when working out, going for a walk, or cleaning the house. There is often more variety in these playlists, as they fit each person’s unique experience and taste. Local artists, pop hits, folky indie mixes – anything goes!

Remember, early labor can begin at any time, so consider having both an energizing playlist, as well as one that is calm. Your upbeat playlist can keep you moving during the day and motivated. A calm playlist makes it easier for you to get rest when it’s still possible in early labor.

Check out some of the Gather Birth playlists for labor below:

Early Labor - Upbeat Indie Jams

Early Labor - Chill Indie Beats

Early Labor - Slow R&B and Hip Hop

Early Labor - Fun Hip Hop and R&B Bops

Early Labor - Calm Folk Songs

Early Labor - Energizing Folk Music

Birth Playlists for Active Labor and On

What we don’t see in those 2-3 minute clips of a person’s birth story on Instagram is when active labor hits. Distraction is no longer helpful. Rather, any talking or sounds during a contraction might actually negatively impact the rhythm of a person’s labor.

In active labor, many birthing people become inwardly focused. Most people will focus on their breath during contractions. In between contractions, it becomes more important to focus on resting, rather than dancing around the room.

Active labor is when we see music turn into something more instrumental. Songs with limited lyrics are perfect for filling the silence in the background. With the right music, all of your focus can be on your breath as you catch the rest you need.

Here are some of our favorite instrumental playlists:

Sweater Weather Instrumentals

Peaceful Guitar

Piano in the Background

Lo-Fi Beats

Having trouble starting your birth playlist? We’ll help you with this and choosing other comfort measures!

Check out our Birth Planning Sessions and contact us to schedule yours now.