Gather Birth Cooperative | Unrivaled Doula Support and Artful Birth Photography in Minneapolis, Minnesota

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How Doulas Work Alongside Partners During Birth

A question we often hear during our initial consults with families inquiring about doula support services is “How do you work alongside my partner during labor and delivery?” This is a great question to ask doulas during your interview process! Though we hear this question with an undertone of concern, perhaps that inviting another support person into their birth space means they will in turn be erasing the partner's role. Quite the opposite. We elevate your partner’s role and increase their confidence in doing so every step of the way.

Science shows us that partners have the ability to increase the oxytocin in your body, something only a loved one can do. We like to joke that we could move into your basement tomorrow, become the best of friends, and get to know one another as much as we like – our voice and our touch will still not have the same physiological effect as your partner’s. Oxytocin is this naturally occurring love hormone that initiates contractions in your uterus, decreases the intensity of the sensations from those contractions, and keeps you from entering into this space we call the fear, tension, pain cycle. The evidence is there, folks: a supportive partner is scientifically proven to play an important role in your birth, and we are there to make sure they have all the tools to do so. When you hire a birth doula, you hire someone who knows and loves the birth process as much as your partner knows and loves you. Together we make the very best support team for you and your unique birth.

As we work together to support your needs in birth, we are also there to make sure your partner’s needs are being met. We are there to ensure the entire family’s well being before, during, and after your birth. We can step in and allow your partner to go move the car, take a catnap at 3am, or grab a bite to eat and a cup of coffee. We will often show partners where your hips and lower back need pressure or support, and can remind them when these techniques might be most helpful. We’ll reassure partners when everything is going exactly as we expect, and let them know how they might be able to advocate for any of your needs as a family. We can facilitate any discussion around decision-making moments to ensure you are asking your provider all the right questions. And we can step out at any time to give you room to connect one-on-one on any topics you need space around. We like to think of ourselves as a birth encyclopedia that you and your partner can access any time you need to, and we remain with you for the entirety of your birth. We’re with you through and through, no matter what twists and turns you might take along the way to meeting your baby.

Evidence shows that having the constant support of a doula improves families’ satisfaction in their birth experiences. With a doula on your team, there's a 31% decrease in being dissatisfied with your birth experience; 25% decrease in the risk of a Cesarean birth; shorter labor by 41 minutes on average; 10% decrease in use of pain relief medications and more. All of these benefits don't just support you, they ensure your partner has a positive experience as well. Birth support benefits your entire family. 

If you're interested in learning more about we might be able to support your family in birth, please reach out to schedule a complimentary initial consultation. We can meet you and your partner at a nearby coffee shop or cafe, and answer any questions you might have!