Gather Birth Cooperative | Unrivaled Doula Support and Artful Birth Photography in Minneapolis, Minnesota

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Born at Home in Maple Grove, Minnesota with North Star Midwifery | A Swift Second Birth

Midwife team: North Star Midwifery

Birth support (doula): Molly Mikacevich

Birth photography: Meredith of Gather Birth Cooperative

Born on December 17, 2021 at 4:00 pm

Photographer’s note: Sometimes birth happens quickly, or labor can turn on a dime. This lovely client called me earlier in the day to let me know things were picking up with her labor and that she would update me again later. A few hours after that, I got a call from her husband saying they’d called their fantastic midwife team and doula in, and he’d give me more info once they arrived. With 100s of births under my belt and knowing she’d had a relatively fast first labor, I decided to hop in the car and head their way despite not being called in yet. It’s a good thing because things started moving quickly for her while I was driving! When I was about 10 minutes away, I got this text: “Things took a turn and she’s in labor, don’t know if you’ll make it”! Fortunately, I did make it in time, and baby was born about 75 seconds after I walked into the room. What a thrill!

Welcome to the world, sweet baby. We’re so glad you’re here!

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